*to Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Friday 4 July 2014

My officer! What a loud whistle.

But you won't get me to stop on a yellow and end up under the car behind me.  And you won't get me to stop, look back after the intersection, because I heard a whistle, but wouldn't be certain it was police (apart from the fact you had the intersection completely screwed up).  Nor will you get me to stop at your partner eight short Japanese blocks ahead, because who says that was the way I'd planned to go...  Besides, with a month to go in Japan, I don't feel like this new experience, learning new vocabulary; as you illegally ride the sidewalks with the rest of the 'droids I am not up for a lecture from you, and don't need a souvenir ticket.

Everybody knows you tools do not know the laws, and wouldn't respect them if you did, and are the same kind of thugs as our police abroad.  Difference here is none of you shoot.  Yeah, like I'm going to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I see you're talking about police enforcing cycling laws...
    But you're making a rookie mistake, and I'd honestly have expected better from you.
    You see, this is a simple example of Japanese appropriating a word, without understanding the underlying concept. Let me give you an example;
    'Japanese democracy'
    Ok, ok, you can stop laughing now, I know you're following me with this.
    So what we translate as 'cycling laws' and 'police' from the Japanese language, actually have different underlying concepts, for example;
    'Cycling laws' actually would be closer to 'vague, grey, case-by-case guidelines',
    and 'police' doesn't actually mean 'those employed by the state to enforce the legislated laws of the land, as decided by elected officials in free elections', but rather 'those employed by the state to enforce, when they can be arsed, if it's not too mendokusai, only the cases where clear black and white analysis leads them to believe that they are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they can make a charge of a criminal offense (no matter how small) stick, because all facts are as plain as day, no deductive reasoning (hell, no reasoning of any kind) is required, they believe that a judge would convict, and they won't be embarrassing any superiors, themselves, and (most importantly of all) the unconstitutionally elected law makers, who make law with no regard to the will of the populous, in an unconstitutional fashion'.

    You see, it's just easier to say 'police' in regards to Japan, and sustain the myth that what we understand as a police force also exists here.
